usecspro - Stata module to import hierarchical data in CSPro format into Stata.

usecspro will import hierarchical CSPro data files to Stata.


usecspro facilitates direct import into Stata of data files created with CSPro package and provides convenient scripting and automation possibilities for Stata programmers and analysts. It also allows working directly on the same files that are used during data collection, which allows, for example, running data validation checks on live database at the time of the survey to monitor data quality on a daily basis.

It is important that the users of this program familiarize themselves with basic information about CSPro and it's data files.

CSPro itself allows exporting data to Stata, but CSPro software (Windows only) must be installed on the user's machine. Stata itself can not directly import CSPro files due to their hierarchical structure. Specialized data conversion packages Stat/Transfer (Circle Systems) and DBMS/Copy (Conceptual Software, discontinued) do not import these particular files.

Two files are necessary for importing CSPro data into Stata: a dictionary file and a data file. usecspro is not using any other CSPro files even if they are present along with the required files.

Supported features

As any other conversion program, usecspro has to make some compromises motivated by differences in capabilities of source and target data formats and software packages. Proceed to the list of features and limitations.


Stata 10 or higher is required. If you are using Stata 10, update to Stata 10.2 (most recent update from StataCorp).

The beta version of usecspro can be installed with the help of the following Stata command:


then click on the 'install' link.


To install usecspro type literally the following in Stata's command prompt:

   findit usecspro

Then click on the link for -usecspro- in the Stata's viewer and click the -install- link.

The above installation instructions are sufficient in most cases when Stata is permitted to access the Internet. To transfer program files to a computer not connected or not permitted to connect to the Internet, manually copy the files from the distribution package via the repec website to a folder in Stata's ado search path. Consult Stata's commands sysdir and adopath to determine the proper location.


Typing cspro or usecspro in the Stata's command line would probably be the mode of choice for most users. However an in-depth description of the commands implemented in the usecspro package is available in the following guide:

Author and support

usecspro was written by Sergiy Radyakin and presented at the 2013 UK Stata Users Group Meeting.

The presentation contains additional information about the structure of the data files and a summary of commands and functions and may be useful as a supplement to the information at this site.

Original presentation can be downloaded in PDF from the website of StataCorp or from a mirror at RePEc.

To contact the author send email to sradyakin/at/, or better post a question to Statalist forum