Q: I am getting a message "nothing to install" when I install -usespss- from SSC. Why?

A: The message "nothing to install" during an attempt to install -usespss- is consistent with your Stata being either 64-bit, or non-Windows version. Released version of -usespss- will not install or operate with incompatible Stata.

Currently there is no version and no plans to create a version of -usespss- for OS other than Windows (Mac or Linux).

If you are using Windows 64-bit and Stata 64-bit, .....try the new version

I have received a large number of requests for the new version's beta. In fact more than I can handle at this time. Since feedback so far was very positive, I think it makes sense just to publish the link for beta, so that the users can test it themselves.
what's new
new faq
This is still beta, so ignore the documentation for now and proceed at your own risk. I will clean it up once I get back to DC. If your Stata is 32-bit Windows version, then something else might be wrong. Let me know.

Individual files of -usespss- are available for anonymous download from here: http://ideas.repec.org/c/boc/bocode/s456957.html

Descriptive presentation: http://www.stata.com/meeting/snasug08/radyakin_usespss.ppt

If you also need the reverse operation of transfering data from Stata, to SPSS, consider -savespss-: http://www.radyakin.org/transfer/savespss/savespss.htm

Sergiy Radyakin, PhD, Economist,